L'imagination des 4èmes Tchekov et Andersen

A partir d'une photo, les élèves de ces deux classes ont laissé travailler leur imagination pour produire un court récit. Voici deux exemples de production.

Two girls and a boy slept at the boarding school where they had class. Rose woke up with a start when she heard a deep shout. She decided to wake her friends, Scarlett and Peter, up. They were frightened because the shouts were getting louder and nearer. scarlett and Peter were brave but Rose was terrified. Suddenly, there was a power cut and flashes of lightening outside. They dressed and they decided to go and see what was happening.

While they were runningin the corridor of their high school, they noticed a crack in the ceiling. Suddenly, the locker fell and Peter did not avoid it. The locker gave a violent kick at Peter's head and he fainted for a few minutes. While Peter was unconscious, Scarlett and Rose were anxious and nervous. Finally, Peter came to consciousness after they had slapped his face.

After this accident, they saw a mountain of lockers which were blocking the exit of the high school. They could not go into that part of the high school. They went into another corridor which was leading to another exit. Rose, who was scared, was watching the show in the garden through the window. The benches were flying in the sky and a strange light illuminated the window. When Rose turned to tell what she was seeing, Scarlett and Peter were not here anymore.

She ran and she shouted the names of her friends. What was happening ? Why hadn't Scarlett and Peter waited for her ? She would have the answer to her questions but was she ready to discover the truth ?
When she found her friends, she was so happy that she ran to hug them but something stopped her. The door of the exit of the high school opened and she saw a gigantic dark tornado. The tornado was housing a monster. The monster was made of rubbish. Rose understood why her friends were petrified and she watched the monster with horror.

written by Alice and Chloé

One night, they were at the library, they were looking for information about the symbol : an eagle which had two heads and which they could see in a pearl. This gift belonged to their parents who had abandoned them. They lived in an orphanage where they ran away from as soon as the elder turned fourteen. They were three, Igor the eldest, Olia and Anton, the youngest . They had discovered their origins : they were of the Romanov Dynasty.

The following day, they heard a strange song, so they ran outside the izba where they had been living for many days, towards the danger. At first, they could not see the dark fog. They gave a start as soon as they noticed a big monster. He had long grey wings, little horns and yellow eyes. Moreover, his smile was carnivorous. It was a god of night and moon, Chernobog . The children panicked, they were paralyzed. They were speaking but they did not understand each other.

Despite their fear, they had a big hope. The sun was rising up, and... Were they still alive? Or were they dead? The end belongs to you...

written by Clara B. and Elise

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